Can taking a triphasic birth control cause acne

« ...This is designed to produce peeling of the skin, restore normal kera¬tinization and produce a bactericidal action. Common peeling agents are sulphur (3 5%), resorcin (3 5 %), benzyl peroxide (5 10%) and retinoic acid (0.025 0. 1%). Peeling agents should be applied once or twice a day, taking care to avoid excessive irritation....
...Next, you can use an acne solution to unclog the pores and for treatment of pimples. These solutions should be used sparingly and on the affected areas only....»
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«...Wash regularly - at least five or six times a day using a mild soap. If you have oily skin wash even more than this....»
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tags: getting rid of a body acne rash, home natural acne treatment, chest acne treatment