Home remedies for acne scars

« ...Regardless of your final decision, there are certain things you should take not of. It advisable not to overwash your face. Twice a day is quite sufficient. Use a cleanser containing salicylic acid and don't forget to a sunscreen and moisturizers daily....
...Benzoyl Peroxide-This can prove beneficial as benzoyl peroxide can kill the acne bacteria and open the blocked oil gland pores. There are a huge variety of products available in the market and you can use the lower concentrations as well but before using the high concentration you should seek the prescription of doctor....»
Read More: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com

«...An acne product alone cannot make all your pimples and blackheads go away. The key to clear and flawless skin is not simply washing your face or applying an acne cream or taking a pill. You have to adopt a complete regimen that will get you through the day and decrease the chances of acne forming. Remember, even your acne product is not failsafe without adopting other behaviors to prevent acne....»
Full Text: acne-types.blogspot.com

tags: soap free acne facial wash sepicontrol alpha bisabolol, organic sulfur based acne mask, list of best acne treatments